stove tile (M 681)
@dataset{M 681,
author = { Irena Loskotová },
title = { M 681 },
url = { },
note = { Digitalia MUNI ARTS, Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University },
date = " "
urldate = "2025-03-14" }
author = { Irena Loskotová },
title = { M 681 },
url = { },
note = { Digitalia MUNI ARTS, Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University },
date = " "
urldate = "2025-03-14" }
Harvard citation style
Loskotová, I.
, M 681, Digitalia MUNI ARTS, Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University, dataset, viewed 14 March 2025,
Artefact category: stove tile
Site: Cvilín
50.06895, 17.7277194
Raw material: ceramics
Description: Gallant scene with a crowned woman in a gown with long and hanging sleeves, giving a bird to a man in exchange for some indefinable object; vegetation with drop-shaped leaves is placed between the figures.
3D specifics of traces: fingers
Absolute datation range: around 1500
Note: Obr. 13 (kresba: M. Schindlerová) obr. 8 M 681.jpg
Úlomky biotitu a živce v mikrostruktuře keramického střepu (PPL, XPL), foto M. Hložek.