arrowhead (HOL_G310_93)

Artefact ID: HOL_G310_93
Artefact category: arrowhead
Site: Holešov – Zdražilovska

49.3198489, 17.5583108

WGS84 Geolocation: 49.3198489, 17.5583108
WGS84 Geolocation Accuracy: cadastre
Feature type: grave
Feature ID: G310
Finding context (note): projectile with 2 another projectiles in front of shins, another 12 projectiles, wristguard, 11 flakes, cattle ribs
2 inhumations adult in male position and infans II

Original state of preservation: complete
Raw material: knapped stone
Deposition condition: soil
Surface alteration: no
Recent damage & alteration: yes
Contamination and recent damage: large part of ventral face covered by varnished ink evidence number, other part of surface contamined by pencil graphite|it hid and superposed wear traces which are essential for interpretation
Relative datation: Early Bronze Age
Absolute datation range: general
Absolute datation source: n/a
Methodic note (CZ): velká část ventrální plochy je překryta lakem, ostatní části povrchu grafitem z tužky, což zcela znemožňuje traseologickou analýzu, traseologické stopy jsou identifikovány jen v náhodně uchráněných částech povrchu
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