stove tile (18/94-231/1-10)
author = { Irena Loskotová },
title = { 18/94-231/1-10 },
url = { },
note = { Digitalia MUNI ARTS, Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University },
date = " "
urldate = "2025-03-14" }
author = { Irena Loskotová },
title = { 18/94-231/1-10 },
url = { },
note = { Digitalia MUNI ARTS, Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University },
date = " "
urldate = "2025-03-14" }
Harvard citation style
Loskotová, I.
, 18/94-231/1-10, Digitalia MUNI ARTS, Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University, dataset, viewed 14 March 2025,
Artefact category: stove tile
Site: Brno - Petrov 2
49.1909842, 16.6081231
Raw material: ceramics
Description: Angel shield-bearer in Gothic architecture; coats of arms: • silver fess on a red field in the right hand – coat of arms of the Austrian lands; • cross in the left hand – coat of arms of Vienna; • parted shield below the cross-bar atop the tracery at the bottom: a fess on the left, three lions passant on the right – coat of arms of Carinthia; • over the head of the angel in the upper tracery: an eagle – coat of arms of Moravia
3D specifics of traces: fingers
Absolute datation range: 2nd half of the 15th century
Note: Analogie: rytířská kamna vyráběna 1454–1457 v Budě pro Ladislava Pohrobka; typ 7; Buda palác (1454–1457); Pécs (1473–1505), podle Holl 1958, Anděl štítonoš, Brno, Petrov 2, kresebná rekonstrukce Lea Chatrná
andel_stitonos_DSPACE.ply bundle:ORIGINAL
Vrstva zeleně zbarvené glazury na povrchu keramického střepu, zvětšení 10x, XPL (Olympus BX 50)
Náhled na mikrostrukturu vzorku nikového kachle, zvětšení 2x, PPL (Olympus BX 50)
Kresebná rekonstrukce (Lea Chatrná)