stove tile (M 574)

@dataset{M 574,
author = { Irena Loskotová },
title = { M 574 },
url = { },
note = { Digitalia MUNI ARTS, Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University },
date = " "
urldate = "2025-03-14" }
Loskotová, I.  , M 574, Digitalia MUNI ARTS, Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University, dataset, viewed 14 March 2025,
Artefact ID: M 574
Artefact category: stove tile
Site: Cvilín

50.06895, 17.7277194

WGS84 Geolocation: 50.06895, 17.7277194
Raw material: ceramics
Description: Hunting scene with a mounted falconer holding a hunting horn in the right hand and a bird in the left hand, with two dogs on a leash; the scene is bordered by vegetation with drop-shaped leaves
3D specifics of traces: fingers
Absolute datation range: around 1500
3D model:

3Dmodel, autor V. Nosek.


Paralelní mikrostruktura střepu, foto M. Hložek

Úlomky hornin v mikrostruktuře keramického střepu, foto M. Hložek.

Závalek Fe oxyhydroxidu, foto M. Hložek.

kresba M. Schindlerová/ drawing M. Schindlerová